Jason S. Liu

Last Updated: January 26th, 2025
Jail Location
Asian Male
5′ 11″ (1.80m)
150lbs (68kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Apr 10, 1979
Eyes: Brown
Warrant: 02551806
Police report: FPD 00-11202
Inmate name: JASON S. LIU
Facts of the case: Gang member Lui is accused of meeting seven other individuals and agreeing to fight a rival gang. The defendant is accused of being the driver of the lead car in a gang shooting that occurred in Fullerton on Sept. 13, 2000. Lui is accused of giving the command to the shooter in the trail car to “blast them.” This case has been named by law enforcement as the “Island Drive” case, which resulted in one dead and three injured.
Court case: 00NF2372
Circumstances of disappearance: The defendant’s last known address was in Riverside, California. Defendant Liu is believed to be in Taiwan or South Korea.
Bail amount: $250,000

Recent Arrests

Booking location: California


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