Date of birth: | Aug 15, 1969 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Probation/Parole officer: | WILFREDO LAVOE |
Offender status: | DISCHARGED |
Last known city state: | MESQUITE, NM |
Facility: | DO3D- ANTHONY |
Birth place: | CA |
SO#: | 89022796 |
Arresting agency: | El Paso Police Department |
Booking number: | 00922796 |
Booking date: | Oct 9, 1989 |
Release date: | Oct 11, 1989 |
Jail name: | El Paso County Detention Facility |
Location: | 601 E Overland Ave, El Paso, TX 79901 |
Booking location: | New Mexico |
Description: | 30-9-13B CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONTACT OF MINOR 4TH DEGREE (990D00130 ) |
Description: | 30-9-13B CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONTACT OF MINOR 4TH DEGREE (990D00129 ) |
Warrant id: | RJT31-76 |
Issuing auth: | OTH |
Charge desposition: | Other |