Nick name: | Jason |
Date of birth: | Jul 19, 1983 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Visit: | 1 |
Status: | Active |
Skin tone: | Medium |
Arrest date: | Apr 8, 2014 |
Booking location: | Allegany County, MD |
Booking location: | West Virginia |
Arresting agency: | Cumberland |
Booking location: | Maryland |
Registration authority: | Maryland Law |
Location: | Allegany, MD |
Conviction date: | Sep 2, 2014 |
Charges: | Unnatural Or Perverted Practice - Forcible - Cl § 3-322 |
Number: | 0W00067837 |
Description: | SEX OFF 2ND DEGREE |
Number: | 0W00067837 |
Description: | SEX OFFENSE 3RD DEGREE |
Number: | 0W00067837 |
Description: | Sex Abuse of a Minor |
Number: | 0W00067837 |
Description: | ASSAULT |
Number: | 0W00067837 |
Description: | PEVERTED SEX ACTS |
Victim sex: | FEMALE |
Victim relation: | ACQUAINTANCE |
Victim age: | 6-12 |
Offense: | Unnatural or Perverted Sexual Practice in the state of Maryland served approximately 50 days in a correctional facility and given 5 years supervised probation. |
Conviction date: | Sep 2, 2014 |
Charges: | N/A |