Date of birth: | Sep 12, 1982 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Green |
Spin: | 1646274 |
Scars marks and tattoos: | money |
Inmate location: | RELEASED - 9/15/2009 4:59 PM; SURETY BOND |
Docket no: | 1371932 |
Complexion: | DRK |
Commissary account balance: | $0 |
Birth place: | FL |
Arresting agency: | ST. PETERSBURG POLICE |
Arrest date: | Apr 4, 2013 |
Booking date: | Apr 4, 2013 |
Booking type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Arresting agency: | BAY PINES VA POLICE |
Arrest date: | Sep 15, 2009 |
Booking date: | Sep 15, 2009 |
Booking type: | MISDEMEANOR |
Booking location: | Pinellas County, FL |
Statute: | 832.05(4)/M |
Offense description: | FTA OBT PROP RTN W/L CK |
Obts: | 5207078338 |
Court case: | CTC0906913MMANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond assessed: | $513 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | SO09371932 |
Statute: | 843.02/M |
Obts: | 5207155072 |
Court case: | CTC1307572MMANO |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond assessed: | $150 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | SP13020515 |
Statute: | 893.13(6)(B)/M |
Offense description: | POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA |
Obts: | 5207155072 |
Court case: | CTC1307570MMANO |
Charge number: | 2 |
Bond assessed: | $150 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | SP13020515 |
Statute: | 893.13(7)(A)(5)/M |
Offense description: | OPERATING A DRUG HOUSE |
Obts: | 5207155072 |
Court case: | CTC1307571MMANO |
Charge number: | 3 |
Bond assessed: | $150 |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Agency report number: | SP13020515 |