Date of birth: | Dec 3, 1962 |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Place of employment: | S + M Fisheries |
Inmate name: | Jeffrey Leach |
Employment location: | portland Road Arundel, ME 04046 York County |
Address last verified: | 4/30/2013 |
Booking location: | York County, ME |
Statutory description: | Intentionally subjects another person to any sexual contact and the other person has not expressly or impliedly acquiesced in the sexual contact and the actor has 2 or more prior Maine convictions for violations of this section. |
Statute: | 17-A MRSA (255)(1)(A) |
Offense: | Unlawful sexual contact |
Court: | Superior Court Alfred |
Case: | CR 2005-00399 |