Date of birth: | Sep 1, 1949 |
Hair: | Gray |
Eyes: | Brown |
Work addresses: | 6000 OLD PINEVILLED RD CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 |
Registration: | 0000008061 |
Level: | Adult Offender |
Last verification date: | Oct 31, 2012 |
Inmate status: | Active |
Supervised furlough eligibility: | Not Eligible |
Sid: | SC01373309 |
Sentence start date: | Feb 28, 2013 |
Sentence length: | 2 years |
Scdc id: | 00354502 |
Projected parole eligibility: | 02/28/2015 |
Offense: | Sex Exploitation/minor 3r |
Offender type: | Adult-straight Sentence |
Committing county: | York |
Admission date: | Mar 5, 2013 |
Description: | Tattoo on L_Shoulder (BULLDOG WITH USMC ON LEFT SHOULDER) |
Description: | Tattoo on Neck (RATTLESNAKE THAT GOES DOWN BACK) |
Description: | Tattoo on R_arm (EAGLE WITH USMC ON RIGHT FOREARM) |
Booking number: | 2013-00001737 |
Booking date: | Feb 28, 2013 |
Booking location: | York County, SC |
Booking number: | 2012-00009177 |
Booking date: | Dec 5, 2012 |
Booking location: | York County, SC |
Arresting agency: | York County SC Sheriff's Office |
Booking location: | York County, SC |
Release date: | May 24, 2014 |
Booking location: | York County, SC |
Sequence: | 1 |
Charge description: | Sentenced Hold |
Description: | - SEX OFFENSE OTHER |
Date convicted: | Oct 23, 2000 |
Conviction state: | South Carolina |
Charges: | N/A |