Date of birth: | 1968 |
Jacket number: | 147627 |
Bond agency: | A ANGEL BONDING COMPANY (228-868-4633) |
Arresting agency: | Harrison Co Sheriff |
Arrest number: | 399240 |
Arrest date: | Sep 6, 2016 |
Booking date: | Sep 6, 2016 |
Release date: | Sep 6, 2016 |
Booking location: | Harrison County, MS |
Status: | NI - Needs Initial Appearance |
Offense date: | Sep 6, 2016 |
Crime type: | F |
Court type: | 1ST JUSTICE |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 122571 |
Charge description: | Possession of a Controlled Substance to wit; Methamphetamine |
Case number: | 2016-04317 |
Bond type: | SURETY BOND |
Bond amount: | $2,500 |
Arrest date: | Sep 6, 2016 |
Arrest code: | 41-29-139 |
Agency: | Harrison Co Sheriff |