Date of birth: | Dec 13, 1956 |
Hair: | Gray, Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Scheduled termination date: | Sep 1, 2011 |
Release type: | COM SUPERV RLSE[info] |
Last movement: | May 27, 2011 |
Inmate status: | COMPLETE AND VERIFIED |
Inmate number: | 245401 |
Inmate detainee: | INMATE |
Custody classification: | MIN |
Community supervision parole: | Y |
Admission date: | Dec 10, 2009 |
SO#: | 18403 |
Release date: | May 27, 2011 |
Booking location: | Maricopa County, AZ |
Arresting agency: | Wood County Sheriff's Office |
Booking number: | 29596 |
Booking date: | Jul 5, 2002 |
Release date: | Jul 7, 2002 |
Jail name: | Wood County Jail |
Location: | 402 N Stephens St, Quitman, TX 75783 |
Verified: | YES |
Sentence status: | IMPOSED |
Sentence county: | MARICOPA |
Sentence: | 0002200 |
Ruling: | Y |
Offense date: | Nov 1, 2009 |
Felony class: | CL6 |
Crime info: | ND/NR |
Court cause: | 20091696300 |
Commit: | B01 |
Warrant id: | ON SIGHT |
Charge: | ASSLT |
Issuing auth: | WCSO |
Fine or court cost: | $350 |
Charge desposition: | Time Served in Custody |