Date of birth: | 1948 |
Hair: | Grey |
Eyes: | Blue |
Jacket number: | 28551 |
Inmate classification: | GAR - CO |
Badge: | 709 |
Arresting agency: | Lancaster PD |
Arrest number: | 2011011752 |
Arrest date: | Sep 1, 2015 |
Arrest officer: | SHEPHERD |
Booking date: | Sep 1, 2015 |
Booking location: | Lincoln County, KY |
Warrant: | E02310002237460 |
Status: | PENDING |
Crime type: | O |
Court type: | CDC |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | CA16503 |
Charge number: | 70205 |
Charge description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Case number: | 07-F-00083 |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Arrest date: | Sep 1, 2015 |
Arrest code: | 01150 |
Agency: | Lancaster PD |
Warrant: | E02310002242956 |
Status: | PENDING |
Crime type: | O |
Court type: | CCC |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | CA16503 |
Charge number: | 70206 |
Charge description: | FAILURE TO APPEAR |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Arrest date: | Sep 1, 2015 |
Arrest code: | 01150 |
Agency: | Lancaster PD |