Date of birth: | Jul 30, 1983 |
Ethnicity: | N |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Green |
Supervision: | Discharged |
Name type: | Conviction |
Kdoc: | 6059384 |
Booking location: | Morris County, KS |
Jail name: | Kansas Bureau of Investigation |
Location: | 1620 SW Tyler St, Topeka, KS 66612 |
Offense date: | Jun 5, 2013 |
Statute: | 21 - 5413 (b)(2)(B) |
Offense: | Aggravated battery; Reckless bodily harm with a deadly weapon |
City: | EMPORIA |
County: | Lyon |
State: | Kansas |
Victim age: | 48 |
Victim gender: | Male |
Sentencing date: | Dec 5, 2006 |
Offense date: | Nov 14, 2005 |
Description: | Endangering a child; Involves child less than 18 yoa |
Crime level: | Class A Misdemeanor |
County: | Morris |
Case status: | Inactive |
Case number: | MR05CR70 |
Sentencing date: | Dec 5, 2006 |
Offense date: | Nov 14, 2005 |
Description: | Drugs; Depressants,stimulants, hallucinogenics, etc; Possession; second and subs. |
Crime level: | Drug-grid Severity Level 4 |
County: | Morris |
Case status: | Inactive |
Case number: | MR05CR70 |
Sentencing date: | Dec 5, 2006 |
Offense date: | Nov 14, 2005 |
Description: | Drugs; Depressants,stimulants, hallucinogenics, etc; Sale, possession w/intent sell, etc. |
Crime level: | Drug-grid Severity Level 3 |
County: | Morris |
Case status: | Inactive |
Case number: | MR05CR70 |
Sentencing date: | Dec 5, 2006 |
Offense date: | Nov 14, 2005 |
Description: | Drugs; Possession of paraphernalia w/intent to use for planting, growing, etc, any contrlld sub |
Crime level: | Drug-grid Severity Level 4 |
County: | Morris |
Case status: | Inactive |
Case number: | MR05CR70 |