Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Skin tone: | BLACK |
Build: | LARGE |
Booking location: | Chase County, KS |
Type: | F |
Offense date: | Jul 29, 2016 |
Description: | Aggravated Human Trafficking; Human trafficking involving kidnapping or attempted kidnapping; victim under 14; offender 18 or older |
Code: | 21-3447(a)(1)(A) |
Type: | F |
Offense date: | Jul 29, 2016 |
Description: | Sexual Exploitation of Child; Employ child less than 14 to engage in sexually explicit conduct; offender 18 or older |
Code: | 21-3516(a)(5) |
Type: | M |
Offense date: | Jul 29, 2016 |
Description: | Drugs; Use or possession of paraphernalia with intent to use to manufacture, cultivate, plant, propagate, harvest, test, analyze or distribute a controlled substance; used to cultivated fewer than five marijuana plants [Formerly K.S.A. 65-4152(a)(3)] |
Code: | 21-36a09(b)(1) |
Type: | V |
Offense date: | Jul 29, 2016 |