Date of birth: | 1989 |
Hair: | Blond |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Jacket number: | 0002012-0293 |
Cell: | TH-11-PPE |
Arresting agency: | Michigan City Police Department |
Arrest number: | 96147 |
Arrest date: | Dec 3, 2014 |
Booking date: | Dec 3, 2014 |
Booking location: | La Porte County, IN |
Arresting agency: | Michigan City Police Department |
Arrest number: | 95109 |
Arrest date: | Sep 3, 2014 |
Booking date: | Sep 3, 2014 |
Booking location: | La Porte County, IN |
Arresting agency: | Michigan City Police Department |
Arrest number: | 90891 |
Arrest date: | Oct 5, 2013 |
Booking date: | Oct 6, 2013 |
Booking location: | La Porte County, IN |
Warrant: | 46C01-1411-F6-000424 |
Status: | PRE TRIAL |
Offense date: | Nov 7, 2014 |
Crime type: | F |
Court type: | CIRCUIT COURT |
Court time: | 20141203 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 271661 |
Charge description: | Neglect of a Dependent - (F6) |
Case number: | 46C01-1411-F6-000424 |
Bond type: | No Bail |
Arrest date: | Dec 3, 2014 |
Arrest code: | 35-46-1-4(a)(1) |
Agency: | Michigan City Police Department |
Status: | PRE TRIAL |
Offense date: | Sep 3, 2014 |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | SUP. CRT 4 |
Court time: | 20140905 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 269999 |
Charge description: | Theft - (MA) |
Bond type: | Split Bonds |
Bond amount: | $605 |
Arrest date: | Sep 3, 2014 |
Arrest code: | 35-43-4-2 |
Agency: | Michigan City Police Department |
Court type: | SUP. CRT 4 |
Court time: | 20131007 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 262964 |
Charge description: | THEFT-D FEL |
Bond type: | Split Bonds |
Bond amount: | $755 |
Arrest date: | Oct 5, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 000JAIL600D |
Agency: | Michigan City Police Department |
Court type: | SUP. CRT 4 |
Court time: | 20131007 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 262965 |
Charge description: | POSSESSION SCH II NARC-D FEL |
Bond type: | Split Bonds |
Arrest date: | Oct 5, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 0000001824D |
Agency: | Michigan City Police Department |
Court type: | SUP. CRT 4 |
Court time: | 20131007 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 262966 |
Charge description: | POSSESSION SCH II NARC-D FEL |
Bond type: | Split Bonds |
Arrest date: | Oct 5, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 0000001824D |
Agency: | Michigan City Police Department |