Date of birth: | Oct 1969 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Inmate location: | 1EFH |
Facility: | Racine County Jail |
Custody date: | Jun 30, 2016 |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Bail amount: | $3,667.60 |
Booking number: | 2016005843 |
Booking location: | Racine County, WI |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Non-registration Of Auto |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 341.04(1) |
Case: | I7585115 |
Bail amount: | $123.80 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Oper. W/O Proof of Insurance |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 344.62(1) |
Case: | I7585130 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Proof of Insurance not in possession |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 344.62(2) |
Case: | I7585126 |
Bail amount: | $45 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Failure To Stop/improper Stop At Stop Sign |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | 346.46 |
Case: | I7585104 |
Bail amount: | $123.80 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1311293 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1311294 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1369656 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1369657 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1372812 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1372813 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1396425 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog License |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-036 |
Case: | N1396426 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Animal At Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-061 |
Case: | N1369658 |
Bail amount: | $212 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Animal At Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-061 |
Case: | N1369659 |
Bail amount: | $212 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog at Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-092 |
Case: | N1309805 |
Bail amount: | $590 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog at Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-092 |
Case: | N13111292 |
Bail amount: | $212 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog at Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-092 |
Case: | N1311291 |
Bail amount: | $212 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog at Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-092 |
Case: | N1369660 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog at Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-092 |
Case: | N1369661 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog at Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-092 |
Case: | N1396423 |
Bail amount: | $149 |
Type: | Cash |
Description: | Dog at Large |
Court branch info: | Racine City Municipal Court |
Charge: | RA10-092 |
Case: | N1396424 |
Bail amount: | $149 |