John Washington Bozeman Iv

Last Updated: January 22nd, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 8″ (1.73m)
134lbs (61kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Oct 4, 1974
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
DC number: U06348
Custody: MINIMUM
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: CANFIELD, LAIRD 0544 (AR08102511) COMMIT BATTERY UPON THE VICTIM BY ACTUALLY AND INTENTIONALLY TOUCHING OR STRIKING SAID PERSON AGAINST SAID PERSON'S WILL OR BY INTENTIONALLY CAUSING BODILY HARM, TO WIT: PUNCHED THE VICTIM TWO TIMES, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 784.03(1)(A)(1) On 040208 at 2104 hOUrs, I was dispatched to A RESIDENCE ON NORTHEAST Crystal Street in refERENCE to a battery that occurred at Castaways Bar, north of Crystal River. Upon arrival, I met with the victim. I observed the victim to have blood all over his face, blood on his arms and hands, and blood on his shirt. As I looked closer, I observed THAT both OF the victim's eyes were black, his nose was swollen, he had a cut near his right eye and he had several swollen bumps above his left eye. I also observed an odor of an alcoholic beverage on or about the victim. The victim stated he was at Castaways Bar with MR Jack Vaughn and the defendant, MR John Bozeman. The victim stated he and the defendant had issues from several years ago over the sale of a moTorcyCle. The victim stated he thought he and the defendant had worked OUT those issues. The victim stated he left the bar and was jumped by ONE or more persons. THE VICTIM STATED HE specifically rememberED the defendant hitting and kicking him. The victim stated after the altercation was over, he jumped Into Mr Vaughn's truck and drove himself home, at which time he met with his girlfriend who called this agency. I photographed the victim's injuries. see ID SERVICES REPORT. The victim stated he did wish to press charges. I met with Mr Vaughn who stated he did not see the altercation but did know where the defendant lived. DepUTY Callahan and I followed Mr Vaughn to the defendant's RESIDENCE ON WEST Cleveland LAnE in Crystal River. Upon arrival, I knocked on the door AND met with the defendant's mother. The defendant's mother stated the defendant was not in the residence and had left for Cedar Key with his step-sister. The defendant's mother refused this deputy entry INTO THE RESIDENCE to search for the defendant. At thAT point, I explained to the defendant'S mother the situation and she finally stated the defendant was in the residence and she would get him to come out. The defendant came to the door out of the residence. I observed the defendant to be un-injured with the exception that his right knuckles were swollen. I also observed THAT the defendant had blood on his shorts, a small splatter of blood on his left shin and an odor of an alcoholic beverage on or about his person. When questioned about the events that occurRed tonight, the defendant first stated the victim had a knife or a razor blade and THAT he HAD only acted in self defenSe. The defendant THen admitted to stRiking the victim twice, once with his right hand and once with his right elbow. Upon fuRther questioning, the defendant stated he never actually saw a weapon but thought the victim mIGHT have a weapon because the victim kept reaching behind his back. The defendant stated the blood on his shorts was because he participateD in "tap out fights," simIlar to extreme fighting. The defendant stated he told his mother to tell this deputy that he was not IN the reSIDENCE. THE DEFENDANT stated he hid because he did not want his son to be taken away from him. The defendant's clothing, A LIGHT COLORED BASKETBALL JERSEY AND SHORT, THAT he HAD worN during the altercation, was retrieved by his mother and photOgraphed by this deputy. SEE ID SERVICES REPORT. The defendant was placed under arrest for battery. HE WAS handcuffed (double locked) BEHIND HIS BACK, searched and SEcURed in the rear seat of my patrol vehicle. At thAT time, the defendant's mother claimed she was called by a bartender at Castaways BAR and told her son was being threatenEd with a gun. When questioned why she HAD nOt callED 9-1-1, the defendant's mother could not answer. The defendant's mother was provided WITH an agency card bearing MY NAME AND THIS case number. The defendant's step-sister provided a written statement, indicating she saw the victim on top of the defendant inside Mr Vaughn's truck. It shouLd be noted I detected a strong odor of alcohol on or about THE DEFENDANT'S STEP-SISTER'S PERSON and neither the victim nor the defendant HAD indicated the altercation took place in the truck. The defendant was transported to the Citrus County Detention Center for booking and processing. HIS BOND WAS SET AT $500.00, PER THE BOND SCHEDULE. *NOT-EXEMPT*
Inmate status: Felony Misdemeanor County/Municipal Traffic Ordinance Warrant/Capias

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

3250 NE Olive Ave., Florida 34423
Florida 34428

Scars marks tattoos

Location: LEFT ARM
Description: CROSS

Recent Arrests

Release date: Feb 1, 2006
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Apr 3, 2008
Booking number: 08102511
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Feb 8, 2008
Booking number: 08101634
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges

Sentence length: 1Y 0M 1D
Discharge date: Mar 28, 2005
Offense date: Mar 1, 2004
County: CITRUS
Case number: 0400190

Code: 784.03(1)(A)(1)
Charge description: BATTERY
Bond amount: $500

Code: 322.34(2)
Bond amount: $500


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