Date of birth: | May 11, 1970 |
Visiting info: | No Visits at this time |
Mail money orders to: | JOHN HOLDER - 1491881; 900 Sycamore St.; Cincinnati, OH 45202 |
Jms number: | 1491881 |
Housing location: | DET-S2 |
Control number: | 1546133 |
Admitted date: | Jan 18, 2013 |
Active holder: | Yes |
Booking location: | Hamilton County, OH |
Muni case: | 013/CRA/1528 |
Court date: | Jan 18, 2013 |
Charge disposition: | DRUG ABUSE |
Charge desc: | 2925-11 - DRUG ABUSE |
Fine: | $0 |
Court date: | Aug 7, 2012 |
Common pleas case: | B-805320 |
Charge disposition: | POSS COCAINE |
Charge desc: | 2925-11A - POSS COCAINE |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Muni case: | 012/TRD/31626 |
Fine: | $0 |
Court date: | Jul 24, 2012 |
Charge disposition: | FAIL TO YIELD HALF OF ROADWAY |
Charge desc: | 4511-26 - FAIL TO YIELD HALF OF ROADWAY |
Charge comments: | OR BOND 07-05-12 |
Bond type: | Own Recognizance |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Orc code: | 2925-11 |
Holder: | N |
Fine: | n |
Description: | DRUG ABUSE |
Common pleas: | B1300392 |
Comments: | AGG POSS DRG |