John Ernest Maxwell

Last Updated: January 25th, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
230lbs (104kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Sep 17, 1975
Wanted for: Parole Violation (Original Offenses: Assault Family Violence, Poss. with Intent to Del. Methamphetamines, Poss. with Intent to Del. Cocaine)
Tdc: 01873918
Smt: Tattoos on left forearm, upper left arm, right arm, right wrist, face, chest, back, and abdomen. Scars on head and left buttock.
Sid: TX05042240
Lkc: Austin, Texas
Lka: 6901 Providence Avenue
Inmate name: John Ernest Maxwell
Gang s: Bloods
Details: John Ernest MAXWELL, a confirmed Bloods gang member, is a violent fugitive with a history of charges for assault, dangerous drugs, burglary, and weapons offenses. MAXWELL has strong ties to the Austin, Texas area. Since 1992, MAXWELL has been convicted of numerous felonies and has been incarcerated in TDCJ prison on four separate occasions. MAXWELL was last released from TDCJ custody in November 2013 and is on parole until 2018. On February 15, 2015, MAXWELL was arrested by the Austin Police Department for Manufacturing/Delivering a Controlled Substance. Two days later, MAXWELL bonded out of the Travis County Jail. On February 27, 2015, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles issued a warrant for MAXWELL's arrest for Parole Violation (Original Offenses: Assault Family Violence, Possession with Intent to Deliver Methamphetamines, and Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine). MAXWELL possesses a commercial driver license (CDL) and has prior work history in the concrete industry.
Cch: Assault Causes Bodily Injury, Burglary of Vehicle, Unlawful Possession Firearm by Felon, Manufacture/Deliver Controlled Substance, Possession Controlled Substance, Evading Arrest
Caution: Subject should be considered ARMED and DANGEROUS!
Aliases of suspect: John Brown, Leon Brown, Mark Brown, Ern Maxwell, John Earnest Maxwell, Leon Maxwell, "Rooster"

Recent Arrests

Booking location: Texas


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