Jonathan Cortez

Last Updated: January 21st, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
145lbs (66kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Jan 4, 1993
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
SO#: 15-163696
Facility: Main Jail
Prisoner type: STATE INMATE
Pid: 0000379977
Housing: Not Active
Committed: 11/11/2011 at 13:08
Bond amount: $262.50
Booking number: 2015-13171
Arresting agency: Cedar Park Police Department
Booking date: Dec 30, 2015
Release date: Dec 31, 2015

Known addresses

Brownsville, TX 78521

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 2016-00003501
Booking date: Jun 5, 2016
Booking location: York County, SC

Arresting agency: Cedar Park Police Department
Booking number: 2015-13171
Booking date: Dec 30, 2015
Release date: Dec 31, 2015
Booking location: Williamson County, TX

Arrest number: 01515485
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 1645865
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 1603575
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 01573712
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 1499475
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 1645219
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 01499319
Release date: 1925
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 1621468
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 01521192
Release date: 1937
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 1577520
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 1573712
Arrest date: May 1, 2013
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Arrest number: 01479761
Booking location: Mecklenburg County, NC

Jail name: Williamson County Jail
Location: 306 W 4 St, Georgetown, TX 78626

Recent Charges

Warrant: Onsite
Offense date: Dec 30, 2015
Issuing authority: CPPD/WMSN
Bond type: $1,500 Personal Misd Bond Fee Collected

Ref: 001
Disposition: I
Court: 524000 4330A
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 11CR228265
Bond amount: PV 5000

Ref: 002
Disposition: I
Court: 524000
Case csl: 11CR228265
Bond amount: SENT

Ref: 003
Disposition: E
Court: 524000
Case csl: 11CR228265
Bond amount: SENT 0

Ref: 001
Disposition: A
Court: 008001
Case csl: HLD-118936
Bond amount: STATE 0

Sequence: 1
Charge description: Public Disorderly Conduct

Ref: 001
Disposition: A
Court: 122200 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 14CR204035
Bond amount: ARREST 50000

Ref: 002
Disposition: A
Court: 122101 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 14CR204034
Bond amount: ARREST 25000

Ref: 003
Disposition: A
Court: 340100 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 13CRS048425
Bond amount: GJI 1000

Ref: 004
Disposition: A
Court: 524200 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 13CRS048424
Bond amount: GJI 2000

Ref: 005
Disposition: A
Court: 354400 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 13CRS048423
Bond amount: GJI 5000

Disposition: A
Case csl: HLD-109372
Bond amount: CMPDEM

Ref: 001
Disposition: B
Court: 239900 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 13CR217583
Bond amount: REL 3000

Ref: 002
Disposition: B
Court: 541700 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 13CR217581
Bond amount: REL 3000

Ref: 001
Disposition: B
Court: 138800 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 15CR211481
Bond amount: REL 1000

Ref: 001
Disposition: B
Court: 524000 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 11CR228265
Bond amount: REL 2500

Ref: 002
Disposition: B
Court: 416600 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 11CR228270
Bond amount: REL 500

Ref: 003
Disposition: B
Court: 239904 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 11CR228272
Bond amount: REL 500

Ref: 004
Disposition: B
Court: 520400 2205B
Cnty type: UNS
Case csl: 11CR228404
Bond amount: REL 500

Disposition: I
Case csl: HLD-83914
Bond amount: $1,099

Ref: 001
Disposition: A
Court: 122200
Case csl: 14CRS204035
Bond amount: SENT 0

Ref: 001
Disposition: I
Court: 524000 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 12CR201161
Bond amount: REL 2500

Ref: 002
Disposition: I
Court: 233700 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 12CR201162
Bond amount: REL 5000

Ref: 003
Disposition: I
Court: 354400 1150B
Cnty type: SEC
Case csl: 12CR201163
Bond amount: REL 2500

Court case: 5902013217583
Charge description: LARCENY - FREE TEXT
Bond amount: $3,000
Arrest type: Felony
Arrest process: MAGISTRATE ORDER

Court case: 5902013217581
Bond amount: $3,000
Arrest type: Felony
Arrest process: MAGISTRATE ORDER

Ref: 001
Disposition: E
Court: 544100 1150B
Cnty type: TS
Case csl: 11CR200537
Bond amount: REL 0

Ref: 001
Disposition: E
Court: 544100 1150B
Cnty type: TS
Case csl: 11CR200537
Bond amount: REL 0


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.