Date of birth: | Aug 12, 1990 |
Next court date: | May 7, 2014 |
Bond amount: | $545 |
Prisoner type: | STATE INMATE |
Pid: | 0000429282 |
Inmate name: | ABEE, JORDAN |
Housing: | Not Active |
Committed: | 7/29/2013 at 13:13 |
Arresting agency: | Ilincoln County |
Arrest date: | May 7, 2014 |
Booking number: | 28289 |
Booking location: | Lincoln County, NC |
Arrest number: | 1583180 |
Release date: | 2009 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | A |
Court: | 540500 |
Cnty type: | GAST SEC |
Case csl: | 12CR007949 |
Bond amount: | FTA 2500 |
Status: | PRETRIAL |
Docket: | 13CR 053640 |
Charge: | FAIL TO COMPLY |
Bond amount: | CASH BOND $545.00 |