Jose Angel Cabral

Last Updated: January 15th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 7″ (1.70m)
173lbs (78kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Aug 2, 1954
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Wanted for: Parole Violation (Original Offense: Robbery) and Burglary
Tdc: 00588429
Smt: Tattoos: Angel across abdomen; roses/peacock left side of chest; female face/roses/dragon tail on right forearm, unfinished woman and Aztec warrior female figure/sun on upper back. Cut scar on left wrist.
Sid: TX02356125
Lkc: San Elizario, Texas
Lka: 12781 Crisantemo
Inmate name: Jose Angel Cabral
Gang s: Barrio Azteca
Details: Jose Angel CABRAL is affiliated with the Barrio Azteca gang and has an extensive Texas criminal history, including arrests for Robbery, Burglary, Theft, Resisting Officer, Escape, DWI, Possession of Narcotics Equipment, Dangerous Drugs, and Probation Violation. He also has a similar criminal history in California, with arrests for Grand Theft Auto, Theft, and Receiving Stolen Property. On November 28, 1996, CABRAL was convicted of Robbery in El Paso and was sentenced to TDCJ in July 1997. He was paroled on November 25, 2009, and subsequently absconded. On November 26, 2009, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles issued a warrant for CABRAL's arrest for Parole Violation. He also has an active 1989 warrant for Burglary out of Culver City, California, but the warrant only authorizes limited extradition. CABRAL's California criminal history indicates that he was deported to Mexico in May 1979. Federal records indicate that he is not legally in the US and appears to be subject to removal proceedings.
Cch: Robbery, Burglary, Grand Theft Auto, Theft, Receiving Stolen Property, Resisting Officer, Escape, DWI, Dangerous Drugs, Possession of Narcotics Equipment, and Probation Violation
Caution: Subject should be considered ARMED and DANGEROUS!
Aliases of suspect: Jose Angel Rodriguez, Joe A. Cabal, Jose Angel Cabral-Rodriguez, Arturo Rodriguez Lorera, Angel Montes, Jose R Carbajal, Jose Minjarez, Jose Manuel Molina
Facility: Downtown Jail
SO#: 90020673

Documented Aliases


Known addresses


Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: El Paso Police Department
Booking number: 00903989
Booking date: Feb 21, 1989
Release date: Feb 26, 1989
Jail name: El Paso County Detention Facility
Location: 601 E Overland Ave, El Paso, TX 79901

Booking location: Texas

Recent Charges

Warrant id: M89-02235
Issuing auth: MC4
Offense date: Feb 21, 1989
Charge desposition: Surety Bond Posted


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