Date of birth: | Jun 9, 1989 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Hair length: | SHORT |
Photo date: | Feb 7, 2007 |
Inmate status: | TERMINATED |
Permanent id: | 930000012734 |
Marital status: | Married |
Current location: | MAIN |
Current housing section: | MAIN |
Current housing cell: | 124 |
Current housing block: | INDIA |
Current housing bed: | 01 |
Complexion: | Fair |
Cob: | United States of America |
Citizen: | United States of America |
Martial status: | Married |
State id: | wi1146479 |
Housing section: | MAIN |
Facility: | MAIN |
Housing block: | ALPHA |
Housing cell: | 213 |
Housing bed: | 01 |
Booking date: | Mar 27, 2016 |
Release date: | Jul 12, 2016 |
Side: | LEFT |
Orientation: | LOWER |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Body part: | ARM |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | LOWER |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Body part: | ARM |
Side: | RIGHT |
Orientation: | LOWER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | JB |
Body part: | ANKLE |
Side: | RIGHT |
Mark type: | SCAR |
Body part: | ARM |
Side: | RIGHT |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | J.B. |
Body part: | LEG |
Booking date: | Nov 17, 2016 |
Jail name: | Brown County Sheriff's Department - Jail Division |
Location: | 3030 Curry Ln, Green Bay, WI 54311 |
Booking number: | 2016-027562 |
Booking date: | Oct 10, 2016 |
Booking location: | Brown County, WI |
Booking number: | 2016-022211 |
Booking date: | Mar 27, 2016 |
Booking location: | Brown County, WI |
Booking date: | Jul 24, 2015 |
Release date: | Aug 5, 2015 |
Jail name: | Brown County Sheriff's Department - Jail Division |
Location: | 3030 Curry Ln, Green Bay, WI 54311 |
Booking date: | Feb 26, 2015 |
Release date: | Feb 26, 2015 |
Jail name: | Brown County Sheriff's Department - Jail Division |
Location: | 3030 Curry Ln, Green Bay, WI 54311 |
Booking number: | 00480739 |
Booking location: | Oconto County, WI |
Jail name: | Brown County Sheriff's Department - Jail Division |
Location: | 3030 Curry Ln, Green Bay, WI 54311 |
Case number: | 16CF440 |
Offense date: | Nov 16, 2016 |
Code: | 973.10 |
Description: | Probation Violation |
Grade: | F |
Offense date: | Oct 10, 2016 |
Grade: | M |
Description: | Probation Violation |
Code: | 973.10 |
Case number: | 16CF440 |
Offense date: | Mar 27, 2016 |
Grade: | M |
Description: | Disorderly Conduct | Disorderly Conduct |
Code: | 947.01 |
Offense date: | Mar 27, 2016 |
Grade: | M |
Description: | Battery | Assault |
Code: | 940.19(1) |
Offense date: | Jul 24, 2015 |
Code: | 976.03 |
Description: | Extradition | Failure to Appear |
Grade: | F |
Case number: | SHSO 15CM27 |
Offense date: | Jan 21, 2015 |
Code: | 785.01(1)(b) |
Description: | Contempt of Court/Disobey Order | Contempt of Court |
Grade: | 1 |
Case number: | US Military |
Offense date: | Dec 12, 2014 |
Code: | 21.11(2) |
Description: | Advise/Refuse Call to Military Service | Military |
Grade: | N |
Statute: | 943.01(1) M |
County: | OCONTO |
Convicted: | Feb 5, 2007 |
Case number: | 06CM00365 |
Status: | Open |
Posted by: | Uniform Misd Bail Schedule |
Amount: | $650 |
Case number: | 16CF440 |
Number: | 16CF440 |
Case number: | 16CF440 |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |
Status: | Open |
Posted by: | Judicial Authority |
Case number: | SHSO 15CM27 |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Status: | Open |
Posted by: | Judicial Authority |
Case number: | US Military |
Bond amount: | $0 |
Posted by: | Judicial Authority |