Date of birth: | Dec 27, 1991 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Report: | 2014-29790/1 |
Supervision type: | DRUG OFFENDER PROBATION |
Supervision begin date: | Sep 7, 2011 |
Scheduled termination date: | Sep 6, 2015 |
Inmate status: | SUSPENSE |
Facility: | SUMTER B.T.U. |
DC number: | U38725 |
Custody: | MINIMUM |
Inmate number: | A0225588 |
Active: | Y |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | LEFT ARM |
Description: | ANOTHER DOLLAR |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | LEFT CHEST |
Description: | JESUS |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | LEFT HAND |
Description: | FLOW |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | LEFT HAND |
Description: | MCKENZIE |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | RIGHT CHEST |
Description: | CROSS |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | RIGHT HAND |
Description: | CASH |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | RIGHT HAND |
Description: | SUSAN |
Type: | TATTOO |
Location: | STOMACH |
Description: | POT LEAF |
Arrest date: | Nov 4, 2015 |
Arrest location: | 7906 E HWY 90 |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Dec 8, 2014 |
Arrest location: | 16425 SPRING HILL DR |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Oct 3, 2014 |
Arrest location: | 18900 CORTEZ BLVD |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Arrest date: | Jul 15, 2011 |
Arrest location: | 16425 SPRING HILL DR |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Release date: | Sep 28, 2010 |
Booking location: | Hernando County, FL |
Booking number: | 1400052577 |
Booking date: | Dec 12, 2014 |
Booking location: | Marion County, FL |
Sentence length: | 1Y 3M 29D |
Discharge date: | Dec 17, 2009 |
Offense date: | Jul 14, 2009 |
County: | HERNANDO |
Case number: | 0901449 |
Sentence length: | 1Y 3M 29D |
Discharge date: | Dec 17, 2009 |
Offense date: | Jul 14, 2009 |
County: | HERNANDO |
Case number: | 0901449 |
Description: | 948.06 - VIOLATION OF PROBATION |
Description: | 810.02 - BURGLARY DWELLING |
Violation level: | F |
Violation description: | GRAND THEFT 300 LESS THAN 5K DOLS; WARRANT: GRAND THEFT |
Violation code: | 812.014-2C1 |
Required cash amount: | $0 |
Obts number: | 4201225291 |
Court case: | 14-CF-1302 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Bond type: | SURETY/CASH |
Bond amount: | $10,000 |
Arrest location: | MCJ |
Arrest date: | Dec 12, 2014 |
Agency case number: | S13032351 |
Description: | 812.014 - GRAND THEFT |