Date of birth: | Dec 19, 1981 |
Prisoner type: | STATE INMATE |
Pid: | 0000410567 |
Inmate name: | GREEN, JOSHUA MICHAEL |
Housing: | Not Active |
Committed: | 10/25/2011 at 12:38 |
Jacket number: | 334431 |
Arresting agency: | SC Highway Patrol |
Arrest number: | 11344 |
Arrest date: | Aug 14, 2016 |
Booking date: | Aug 14, 2016 |
Booking location: | Chester County, SC |
Arrest number: | 01513616 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01534051 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Arrest number: | 01514228 |
Booking location: | Mecklenburg County, NC |
Ref: | 005 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 545000 |
Cnty type: | LINC SEC |
Case csl: | 01CR5007 |
Bond amount: | FTA 2000 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 522400 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR248670 |
Bond amount: | REL 10000 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 541800 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 12CR219931 |
Bond amount: | REL 500 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 540500 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 12CR219930 |
Bond amount: | REL 1000 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 854300 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR248671 |
Bond amount: | REL 2500 |
Ref: | 003 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 292000 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR247983 |
Bond amount: | REL 0 |
Ref: | 004 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 532800 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR247984 |
Bond amount: | REL 0 |
Ref: | 002 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 138801 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR247982 |
Bond amount: | REL 2500 |
Ref: | 001 |
Disposition: | B |
Court: | 138905 1150B |
Cnty type: | SEC |
Case csl: | 11CR247981 |
Bond amount: | REL 0 |
Status: | Pending |
Offense date: | Aug 14, 2016 |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | Magistrate Court |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | 5102P0608013 |
Charge number: | 18754 |
Charge description: | DUI / Driving under the Influence, .10 but less than .16, 1st Offense |
Case number: | SCHP1607 |
Arrest date: | Aug 14, 2016 |
Arrest code: | 3354 |
Agency: | SC Highway Patrol |