Date of birth: | Feb 2, 1986 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
SO#: | 169680 |
Arresting agency: | Brazoria County Sheriff's Office |
Booking number: | 355887 |
Booking date: | Sep 29, 2016 |
Release date: | Sep 29, 2016 |
Jail name: | Brazoria County Jail |
Location: | 3602 County Rd 45, Angleton, TX 77515 |
Warrant id: | CT16-00098 - 1 |
Charge: | Speeding-(50/30) |
Offense date: | Jan 12, 2016 |
Fine or court cost: | $530.10 |
Charge desposition: | Released to Pay Later |
Warrant id: | CT16-00099 - 1 |
Charge: | Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility |
Offense date: | Jan 12, 2016 |
Fine or court cost: | $430 |
Charge desposition: | Released to Pay Later |