Unit: | GCDC-A-225-B |
Booking number: | 2010259848 |
Booking location: | Gwinnett County, GA |
Warrant: | 10W-16112 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88376706250 |
Order status: | Active |
Fel misd traffic hold: | F |
Description: | @ * ARMED ROBBERY |
Code section: | 16-8-41 |
Bond type: | NB |
Warrant: | 10W-16119 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Otn: | 88376706250 |
Order status: | Active |
Fel misd traffic hold: | F |
Description: | @ * ARMED ROBBERY |
Code section: | 16-8-41 |
Bond type: | NB |
Warrant: | DW259353 |
Statute: | DUL |
Otn: | 88376820081 |
Order status: | Cleared |
Fel misd traffic hold: | T |
Description: | *CONTEMPT OF COURT |
Code section: | D15-7-4 |
Bond type: | NB |
Bond amount: | $181.25 |
Warrant: | B09W-17009 |
Statute: | OCGA |
Order status: | Cleared |
Description: | @ * CRUELTY TO CHILDREN |
Code section: | 16-5-70 |
Bond type: | SB |
Bond amount: | $5,700 |