Date of birth: | Apr 12, 1969 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Released by: | A428 - Davis, L. |
Possibility phone calls: | Yes |
Occupation: | Lawn Maintenance |
Language: | Spanish |
Commissary number: | 280191 |
Comments: | Posted Bond; Barnett Bail Bonds: Power No. AS6K-190546, AS6K-190547 |
Case number: | 2010-00000332 |
Arresting agency: | Indian River County Sheriff's Office |
Arrest date: | Mar 17, 2010 |
Arrest location: | 4055 41st ave VB |
Booking number: | 2010-00001331 |
Booking date: | Mar 17, 2010 |
Release reason: | Time Served |
Booking location: | Indian River County, FL |
Arresting agency: | Fellsmere Police Department |
Arrest date: | Jan 30, 2010 |
Arrest location: | Michigan and Oak Street Fellsmere, FL |
Booking number: | 2010-00000504 |
Booking date: | Jan 30, 2010 |
Release reason: | Posted Bond |
Booking location: | Indian River County, FL |
Reason: | Misdemeanor DUI |
Docket: | 2010MM0256 |
Bond remarks: | 2010MM0256 |
Reason: | Misdemeanor No Valid DL |
Docket: | 2010CT1615 |
Bond remarks: | 2010CT1615 |
Reason: | No Florida Drivers License [ Bond Number ] |
Bond type: | Cash/Surety |
Bond number: | 2010-00000604 |
Bond amount: | $2,500 |
Reason: | Misdemeanor DUI |
Bond type: | Cash/Surety |
Bond number: | 2010-00000605 |
Bond amount: | $5,000 |