Julius Antonio Harris

Last Updated: February 1st, 2025
Jail Location
5′ 3″ (1.60m)
115lbs (52kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Oct 26, 1971
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Released by: A293 - Jones, L.
Possibility phone calls: Yes
Language: English
Commissary number: 147184
Comments: TOT - DOC
Case number: 2008-00008500

Scars marks tattoos

Type: Tattoo ( Heart )
Location: Forearm Right Tattoo

Type: Tattoo ( See Description )
Location: Chest Tattoo
Description: Bible Scripture

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Jan 22, 2008
Arrest location: 4055 41st Ave
Booking number: 2008-00000436
Booking date: Jan 22, 2008
Release reason: TOT Department of Corrections
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Arresting agency: Indian River County Sheriff's Office
Arrest date: Dec 16, 2007
Arrest location: 4400 US Hwy 1
Booking number: 2007-00007467
Booking date: Dec 16, 2007
Release reason: Posted Bond
Booking location: Indian River County, FL

Recent Charges

Reason: Misdemeanor DUI Impairment
Docket: 2007mm3962
Bond remarks: 2007mm3962

Reason: Misdemeanor Battery
Docket: 2007mm3962
Bond remarks: 2007mm3962

Reason: Felony DUI Manslaughter
Docket: 2007CF1912
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: 2007CF1912
Bond number: 2008-00006066

Reason: Misdemeanor DUI W/Serious Bodily Harm
Docket: 2007CF1912
Bond type: Sentenced
Bond remarks: 2007CF1912
Bond number: 2008-00006067

Reason: Misdemeanor Battery Domestic Violence
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2007-00000273
Bond amount: $500

Reason: Misdemeanor DUI
Bond type: Cash/Surety
Bond number: 2007-00000274
Bond amount: $500

Reason: Misdemeanor DUI W/Property Damage or Personal Injury
Docket: 2007CF1912
Bond type: Nolle Pros
Bond remarks: 2007CF1912
Bond number: 2008-00006064

Reason: Misdemeanor DUI W/Property Damage or Personal Injury
Docket: 2007CF1912
Bond type: Nolle Pros
Bond remarks: 2007CF1912
Bond number: 2008-00006065


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.