Date of birth: | Feb 25, 1981 |
Hair: | Blond |
Eyes: | Hazel |
Odoc: | 433296 |
Description: | ARM: SCAR R FRT 1" |
Description: | EAR: PRCD L 1X |
Booking location: | Oklahoma County, OK |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 0Y 0M 108D |
Start: | Oct 23, 2002 |
Offense: | Assault With Deadly Weapon (Del Sent) |
End: | 02/07/2003 |
Crf: | 2002-2981 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Oct 10, 2002 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 0Y 0M 108D |
Start: | Oct 23, 2002 |
Offense: | Obstructing Officer In Duties (Del Sent) |
End: | 02/07/2003 |
Crf: | 2002-2981 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Oct 10, 2002 |
Term code: | Incarceration |
Term: | 0Y 0M 108D |
Start: | Oct 23, 2002 |
Offense: | Malicious Injury To Property (Del Sent) |
End: | 02/07/2003 |
Crf: | 2002-2981 |
County: | OKLA |
Conviction: | Oct 10, 2002 |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 5 Y |
Start: | Feb 7, 2003 |
Offense: | Assault With Intent To Kill |
End: | 02/06/2008 |
Crf: | 2002-2981 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 1 Y |
Start: | Feb 7, 2003 |
Offense: | Obstructing Officer |
End: | 02/06/2004 |
Crf: | 2002-2981 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 1 Y |
Start: | Feb 7, 2003 |
Offense: | Malicious Injury/Destruction Of Property |
End: | 02/06/2004 |
Crf: | 2002-2981 |
County: | OKLA |
Offense: | Assault &/Or Battery W/Dangerous Weapon |
Crf: | 2003-2982 |
County: | OKLA |
Term code: | SUSPENDED |
Term: | 5 Y |
Start: | Aug 15, 2003 |
Offense: | Con/Felons Prohib/Carry Firearms |
End: | 08/14/2008 |
Crf: | 2003-2982 |
County: | OKLA |