Date of birth: | 1984 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Green |
Jacket number: | 51621 |
Inmate classification: | COUNTY |
Badge: | 136 |
Arresting agency: | LAWRENCEBURG PD |
Arrest number: | 2012049780 |
Arrest date: | Jul 1, 2016 |
Arrest officer: | DOTY |
Booking date: | Jul 2, 2016 |
Release date: | Jul 7, 2016 |
Booking location: | Shelby County, KY |
Status: | OPEN |
Offense date: | Jul 1, 2016 |
Crime type: | M |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | CE51183 |
Charge number: | 163999 |
Charge description: | NON PAYMENT OF FINES |
Case number: | 14-M-00791 |
Bond type: | CASH BOND |
Bond amount: | $263 |
Arrest date: | Jul 1, 2016 |
Arrest code: | 02660 |