Date of birth: | 1959 |
Arrest officer: | SCSODTF-H.SMITH |
Booking number: | 140001612 |
Booking date: | Nov 21, 2014 |
Booking location: | Suwannee County, FL |
Description: | POSS HYDROCODONE W/I/T TO |
Description: | SELL |
Description: | POSS COCAINE W/I/T SELL |
Description: | SALE OF COCAINE |
Description: | POSS HYDROCODONE W/I/T |
Description: | POSS METH W/I/T SELL |
Description: | SALE OF METH |
Description: | VOP - TRAFFICKING IN |
Description: | HYDROCODONE |
Description: | OBTS 6101030458 |