Kelly Michael Shearer

Last Updated: January 20th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
195lbs (88kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Oct 22, 1979
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
State no: 15051605
Inmate number: A0005027
Pin: A0005027
Location: RELEASED
Active: Y
Release date: Aug 21, 2014
Booking date: Jul 30, 2014

Known addresses

Crook43, Oregon 97754
Prineville, OR 97754
Jeff.cojail17, Oregon 97754

Recent Arrests

Booking number: B1723347
Booking date: Apr 6, 2017
Booking location: Jefferson County, OR

Booking date: Mar 2, 2015
Release date: Mar 2, 2015
Jail name: Crook County Jail
Location: 400 NE 3 St, Prineville, OR 97754

Booking number: 1400001164
Booking date: Dec 11, 2014
Booking location: Crook County, OR

Booking number: 1400000746
Booking date: Jul 30, 2014
Booking location: Crook County, OR

Booking date: Dec 22, 2013
Release date: Dec 22, 2013
Jail name: Crook County Jail
Location: 400 NE 3 St, Prineville, OR 97754

Booking date: Oct 26, 2012
Release date: Oct 26, 2012
Jail name: Crook County Jail
Location: 400 NE 3 St, Prineville, OR 97754

Booking date: Aug 31, 2011
Release date: Sep 1, 2011
Jail name: Crook County Jail
Location: 400 NE 3 St, Prineville, OR 97754

Jail name: Crook County Jail
Location: 400 NE 3 St, Prineville, OR 97754

Recent Charges

Charge: 1
Statute: ORS 162.195
Statute description: 5015 | FAIL TO APPEAR 2ND DEG
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $75,000 #1
Court date: Apr 8, 2015

Charge: 2
Statute: ORS 162.195
Statute description: 5015 | FAIL TO APPEAR 2ND DEG
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $50,000 #2
Court date: Apr 8, 2015

Charge: 3
Statute: ORS 162.195
Statute description: 5015 | FAIL TO APPEAR 2ND DEG
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $40,000 #3
Court date: Apr 8, 2015

Statute description: 2399 | THEFT 2ND SEG - 1
Statute: ORS 164.045
Court date: Dec 12, 2014
Charge number: 1
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $5,000 #1

Statute description: POSS OF STOLEN PROPERTY
Statute: ORS164.095
Court date: Dec 12, 2014
Charge number: 2
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $7,500 #2

Statute description: 3599 | UNL POSSESS METHAMPHETAMINE
Statute: ORS 475.894
Court date: Dec 12, 2014
Charge number: 3
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $5,000 #3

Charge: 1
Statute: ORS 164.135
Statute description: 2411 | UNAUTHORIZED USE MOTOR VEHICLE
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $25,000 #1
Court date: Aug 19, 2014

Charge: 2
Statute: ORS 164.045
Statute description: 2399 | THEFT 2ND DEG - 2- BY RECIEVING
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $0 #2
Court date: Aug 19, 2014

Charge: 3
Statute: ORS 475.864
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $0 #3
Court date: Aug 19, 2014

Charge: 4
Statute: ORS 475.860
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $0 #4
Court date: Aug 19, 2014

Statute description: 2411 | UNAUTHORIZED USE MOTOR VEHICLE
Statute: ORS 164.135
Court date: Aug 6, 2014
Charge number: 1
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $25,000 #1

Statute description: 2399 | THEFT 2ND DEG - 2- BY RECIEVING
Statute: ORS 164.045
Court date: Aug 6, 2014
Charge number: 2
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $0 #2

Statute: ORS 475.864
Court date: Aug 6, 2014
Charge number: 3
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $0 #3

Statute: ORS 475.860
Court date: Aug 6, 2014
Charge number: 4
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $0 #4

Charge: 1
Statute: ORS 475.894
Statute description: 3599 | UNLAWFUL POSSESS METHAMPHETAMINE - 1
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $5,000 #1
Court date: Jan 22, 2013

Charge: 2
Statute: ORS 475.886
Statute description: 3599 | UNLAWFUL MANUF METHAMPHETAMINE
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $30,000 #2
Court date: Jan 22, 2013

Charge: 3
Statute: ORS 166.240
Statute description: 5299 | CARRY CONCEALED/POSS KNIFE
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $2,000 #3
Court date: Jan 22, 2013

Charge: 4
Statute: ORS 475.840
Statute description: 3599 | CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE OFFENSE - 5- POSSESS
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $5,000 #4
Court date: Jan 22, 2013

Charge: 1
Statute: ORS 137.545
Statute description: 5012 | PROBATION VIOL.ATION
Bond type: NO BAIL
Bond amount: $0 #1
Court date: Nov 21, 2012

Charge: 1
Statute: ORS 164.245
Statute description: 5707 | CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2ND DEG
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $1,000 #1
Court date: Sep 1, 2011

Charge: 2
Statute: ORS 164.354
Statute description: 2999 | CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2ND DEG
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $5,000 #2
Court date: Sep 1, 2011

Charge: 3
Statute: ORS 164.272
Statute description: 7199 | UNLAWFUL ENTRY INTO MOTOR VEH
Bond type: $10 %
Bond amount: $5,000 #3
Court date: Sep 1, 2011

Violation description: CROOK COUNTY INMATE
Violation code: CROOK
Required cash amount: $0
Court case: 14CR30716
Charge number: 1
Bond amount: $0
Arrest location: JAIL SP
Arrest date: Apr 6, 2017

Violation description: DETOX / CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE
Violation code: DTX.DRG
Required cash amount: $0
Court case: 14CR30716
Charge number: 2
Bond amount: $0
Arrest location: JAIL SP
Arrest date: Apr 6, 2017


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.