Kenneth Wayne Bauder

Last Updated: January 20th, 2025
Jail Location
White Male
5′ 8″ (1.73m)
135lbs (61kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Dec 26, 1985
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Docket no: 1293905
Complexion: MED
Birth place: FL
Arrest date: Mar 14, 2008
Arresting agency: ST. PETERSBURG POLICE
Booking location: Pinellas County, FL
Spin: 1097479
Inmate location: CEN-6C3-UN03-09-002
Commissary account balance: $0
Mugshots com: 185498485
Docket number: 1864286
Ext id key: 361842790267841973

Documented Aliases

Kenneth W Bauder

Known addresses

St Petersburg, FL 33702
St Petersburg, FL 33714
St Petersburg, FL 33703

Scars marks tattoos

Description: skelton,inside forearm breacher skelton loved by many hated by you respected by all cartoon drawings skelton and a women

Recent Arrests

Arrest date: Jan 29, 2022
Booking date: Jan 29, 2022
Booking location: Pinellas County, FL

Arresting agency: PINELLAS PARK POLICE
Arrest date: May 19, 2021
Booking date: May 19, 2021
Booking location: Pinellas County, FL

Arresting agency: GULFPORT POLICE
Arrest date: Oct 25, 2012
Booking date: Oct 25, 2012
Booking type: FELONY

Booking type: MISDEMEANOR

Recent Charges

Statute: 322.34(2)(A)/M
Offense description: DWLSR * SPTC 04/03/08 @ 10AM
Obts: 5206022914
Court case: CTC089301FLIASP
Charge number: 1
Agency report number: SP08014585

Statute: 812.019/F
Obts: 5206127274
Court case: CRC1219015CFANO
Charge number: 1
Bond assessed: $8,000
Bond amount: $8,000
Agency report number: GP12016256

Statute: 812.014(2)(C)(1)/F
Offense description: GRAND THEFT
Obts: 5206127274
Court case: CRC1219013CFANO
Charge number: 2
Bond assessed: $1,000
Bond amount: $1,000
Agency report number: GP12016256

Statute: 843.15(1)(B)/M
Offense description: FTV BATTERY
Obts: 5206127274
Court case: CTC1110434MMANO
Charge number: 3
Bond assessed: $2,013
Bond amount: $2,013
Agency report number: SP12064435

Statute: 860.17/M
Offense description: TAMPERING WITH TRAILER
Obts: 5206127274
Court case: CTC1225359MMANO
Charge number: 4
Bond assessed: $250
Bond amount: $250
Agency report number: GP12016256

Statute: 810.02(4)(A)/F
Obts: 5206127274
Court case: CRC1219012CFANO
Charge number: 5
Bond assessed: $4,000
Bond amount: $4,000
Agency report number: GP12016256

Statute: 812.014(2)(C)(6)/F
Offense description: GRAND THEFT (MOTOR VEHICLE)
Obts: 5206127274
Court case: CRC1219014CFANO
Charge number: 6
Bond assessed: $2,500
Bond amount: $2,500
Agency report number: GP12016256

Statute: 322.34(2)(C)/F
Offense description: DWLSR - THIRD OFFENSE
Court case: CRC0815443CFANO
Charge number: 1
Bond assessed: $5,000
Bond amount: $0
Agency report number: SO08325321

Statute: 893.13(6)(B)/M
Offense description: POSS OF MARIJUANA
Obts: 5206037097
Court case: CTC0828657MMANO
Charge number: 2
Bond assessed: $150
Bond amount: $0
Agency report number: SO08269776

Statute: 843.02/M
Offense description: RAW/OV
Obts: 5206037097
Court case: CTC0828658MMANO
Charge number: 3
Bond assessed: $150
Bond amount: $0
Agency report number: SO08269776

Statute: 322.34(2)(A)/M
Offense description: DWLS/R **NCTC 110608 @ 1000AM**
Obts: 5206037097
Court case: CTC083834GCFANC
Charge number: 4
Bond assessed: $250
Bond amount: $0
Agency report number: SO08269776

Statute: 316.193(1)/M
Offense description: DUI ** NCTC 11/06/08 1000AM**
Obts: 5206037097
Court case: CTC083975XDVANC
Charge number: 5
Bond assessed: $500
Bond amount: $0
Agency report number: SO08269776

Statute: 322.34(2)(C)/F
Offense description: DWLS/R #8357FKY *CALL OF COURT*
Obts: 5207048970
Court case: CRC0815443CFANO
Charge number: 1
Bond assessed: $5,000
Bond amount: $0
Agency report number: SB08004692

Statute: 316.193(1)/M
Offense description: DUI
Obts: 5207070172
Court case: CTC083975XDVANC
Charge number: 1

Statute: 843.15(1)(B)/M
Obts: 5206099473
Court case: CTC1110435MMANO
Charge number: 1
Bond assessed: $313
Bond amount: $313

Statute: 843.15(1)(B)/M
Offense description: FTA BATTERY
Obts: 5206099473
Court case: CTC1110434MMANO
Charge number: 2
Bond assessed: $5,013
Bond amount: $5,013

Statute: 948.06/M
Offense description: VOP DUI
Obts: 5206099473
Court case: CTC083975XDVANC
Charge number: 3
Bond assessed: $2,513
Bond amount: $2,513

Statute: 843.15(1)(B)/M
Offense description: FTA POSS OF PARAPHERNALIA
Obts: 5206099473
Court case: CTC1110432MMANO
Charge number: 4
Bond assessed: $313
Bond amount: $313

Statute: 843.15(1)(B)/M
Offense description: FTA POSS OF MARIJUANA
Obts: 5206099473
Court case: CTC1110433MMANO
Charge number: 5
Bond assessed: $313
Bond amount: $313

Charge number: PP21030126

Charge number: PASCO #2019MM006221MMAXWS FTA LARCENY-P/T

Charge number: 901.04/M

Charge number: 21-01692-OC-MM-1

Charge number: $123.00

Charge number: $0.00

Charge number: 5211078527

Charge number: TS22002434

Charge number: PASCO #2019MM006221MMAXWS FTA PETIT THEFT

Charge number: 22-00379-OC-MM-1

Charge number: $1,033.00

Charge number: 5211089162


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.