Date of birth: | Dec 11, 1967 |
Permanent location: | PITTSBURGH |
Inmate number: | HK3392 |
Current location: | PITTSBURGH |
Complexion: | MEDIUM |
Committing county: | PHILADELPHIA |
Citizen: | USA |
Country: | USA |
Facility: | HUNTINGDON |
Booked at: | PHILADELPHIA |
Unit: | A |
Booking number: | 2908-2011 |
Booking date: | Oct 14, 2011 |
Booking location: | Westmoreland County, PA |
Booking location: | Philadelphia County, PA |
Jail name: | Pennsylvania Department of Corrections |
Location: | 1920 Technology Pkwy, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050 |
State charge code: | 35 780-113 A30 F |
Judge dj: | Pezze |
Description: | Manuf/del/poss/w Int Manuf Or Del |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0000009-2012 CR-0000333-2011 |
State charge code: | 18 903 C |
Judge dj: | Pezze |
Description: | Conspiracy W/mult Crim Obj |
Case: | CP-65-CR-0000009-2012 CR-0000333-2011 |
Description: | Case# Type Amount CP-65-CR-0000009-2012 CR-0000333-2011 Straight $75,000.00 |