Date of birth: | Dec 5, 1970 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Registration: | 1034144 |
Last verification date: | Jun 11, 2012 |
SO#: | 17527 |
Description: | Scar on Leg (SC LEG: SCAR ON LEFT SHIN) |
Arresting agency: | Winnsboro Police Department |
Booking number: | 27527 |
Booking date: | Jun 14, 2001 |
Release date: | Jun 14, 2001 |
Jail name: | Wood County Jail |
Location: | 402 N Stephens St, Quitman, TX 75783 |
Arresting agency: | Connecticut Sex Offender Registry Unit |
Booking location: | Connecticut |
Warrant id: | ONSITE |
Charge: | DWLS |
Issuing auth: | WPD |
Offense date: | Jun 13, 2001 |
Charge desposition: | Surety Bond |
Description: | 53a-72a(a)(1) - Sexual assault in the third degree: |
Date released: | May 31, 2008 |
Date convicted: | Jun 3, 2005 |
Conviction state: | Connecticut |
Charges: | N/A |
Description: | 53a-73a - Sexual assault 4th |
Date released: | May 31, 2008 |
Date convicted: | Jun 3, 2005 |
Conviction state: | Connecticut |
Charges: | N/A |
Description: | 53-21(2) - Injury or risk of injury to or impairing morals of children |
Date released: | May 31, 2008 |
Date convicted: | Jun 3, 2005 |
Conviction state: | Connecticut |
Charges: | N/A |