Date of birth: | Sep 26, 1990 |
Ethnicity: | AFRICAN |
Jail housing location: | GREENSBORO JAIL CENTRAL |
Incarceration date: | Sep 28, 2015 |
Cd number: | 756504 |
Probation status: | ABSCONDED |
Probation/Parole officer: | DISTRICT 18 UNIT G |
Arresting agency: | Greensboro Police Department |
Arrest date: | Sep 28, 2015 |
Arrest location: | 201 S EDGEWORTH |
Arrest officer: | BRASWELL |
Arrest type: | ORDER FOR ARREST |
Booking location: | Guilford County, NC |
Arrest date: | Feb 20, 2014 |
Arrest location: | JAIL 1 |
Arrest officer: | Herbin D.K. |
Arrest type: | ORDER FOR ARREST |
Booking location: | Guilford County, NC |
Booking location: | Guilford County, NC |
Offense date: | Sep 28, 2015 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR MISD |
Court: | 12CR731512 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Offense date: | Sep 28, 2015 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR MISD |
Court: | 12CR43149 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Offense date: | Sep 28, 2015 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR MISD |
Court: | 13CR95089 |
Type: | MISD. |
Total supervision term: | 12 MONTHS |
Sentencing penalty class code: | CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR SS |
Sentence type 3: | COUNTY JAIL |
Sentence type 2: | SUSPENDED SENTENCE |
Sentence type 1: | PROBATION |
Sentence number: | 01-001 |
Punishment type: | COMMUNITY SS (DCC) |
Offense qualifier: | LARCENY (PRINCIPAL) |
Offense date: | Feb 23, 2015 |
Docket: | 15069042 |
Conviction date: | Aug 26, 2015 |
Conviction county: | GUILFORD |
Commitment type: | PROBATION/PAROLE |
Commitment: | INITIAL |
Offense date: | Feb 20, 2014 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR MISD |
Court: | 14CR700398 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $1,500 |
Offense date: | Feb 20, 2014 |
Description: | LARCENY OF PROPERTY |
Court: | 14CR66739 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Offense date: | Feb 20, 2014 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR MISD |
Court: | 12CR43149 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $500 |
Offense date: | Feb 20, 2014 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR MISD |
Court: | 13CR95089 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $500 |