Date of birth: | Jul 18, 1966 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Targets: | Adult Females |
Supervised by: | MULTNOMAH COUNTY WEST, 503-988-3136 |
Methods of offending: | Failed to allow others to prevent a sexual assault; has exposed himself in public places. |
Conditions restrictions: | Curfew, no contact with minors, no frequenting a place where minors regularly congregate, attend sex offender treatment, polygraph, plethysmograph testing, no contact with victim, no pornography, no driving alone, no alcohol, no entry into bars/taverns, register as a sex offender. |
Mark: | Scar, Cheek (face), left |
Booking location: | Marion County, OR |
Offense name: | SEX ABUSE 1-FEL |
Conviction date: | Aug 14, 1991 |
Offense name: | PUBLIC INDECENCY-FEL |
Conviction date: | Aug 3, 2006 |