Date of birth: | 1981 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Jacket number: | 4380 |
Inmate classification: | Pre-Trial |
Arresting agency: | Bismarck Police Department |
Arrest number: | 15117 |
Arrest date: | Feb 4, 2015 |
Booking date: | Feb 4, 2015 |
Booking location: | Burleigh County, ND |
Arresting agency: | Bismarck Police Department |
Arrest number: | 8972 |
Arrest date: | Dec 24, 2013 |
Booking date: | Dec 24, 2013 |
Booking location: | Burleigh County, ND |
Arresting agency: | Bismarck Police Department |
Arrest number: | 7937 |
Arrest date: | Oct 14, 2013 |
Booking date: | Oct 14, 2013 |
Booking location: | Burleigh County, ND |
Arresting agency: | Bismarck Police Department |
Arrest number: | 7709 |
Arrest date: | Sep 28, 2013 |
Booking date: | Sep 28, 2013 |
Booking location: | Burleigh County, ND |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Modifier: | FTA |
Crime type: | I |
Court type: | Municipal Court |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | 12-8682 |
Charge number: | 61643 |
Charge description: | Driving without liability insurance - FTPR- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE |
Case number: | BISMARCK-12-CR-1773 |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $4,068.97 |
Arrest date: | Feb 4, 2015 |
Arrest code: | 39-08-20 |
Agency: | Bismarck Police Department |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Offense date: | Dec 24, 2013 |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | Municipal Court |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 26701 |
Charge description: | Criminal Trespass, Enter Area w/ Notice Against Trespass |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $400 |
Arrest date: | Dec 24, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 12.1-22-03(3) |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | Municipal Court |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | 13-19432 |
Charge number: | 23802 |
Charge description: | Shoplifting |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $400 |
Arrest date: | Oct 14, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 12.1-23-02 & 05(4) |
Agency: | Bismarck Police Department |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | Federal Court |
Court time: | 20130930 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 23375 |
Charge description: | DUS - Drove While License Suspended or Revoked |
Case number: | BISMARCK |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $400 |
Arrest date: | Sep 28, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 39-06-42 |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Modifier: | FTC |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | Municipal Court |
Court time: | 20130930 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 23376 |
Charge description: | DUI/APC - 1st or 2nd offense in 7 year period (PAST DUE FINES |
Case number: | BISMARCK 12-CR-01535 |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $425 |
Arrest date: | Sep 28, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 39-08-01 |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Modifier: | FTC |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | Municipal Court |
Court time: | 20130930 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 23377 |
Charge description: | DUI/APC - 1st or 2nd offense in 7 year period (COMPLETE EVAL) |
Case number: | BISMARCK 12-CR-01535 |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $400 |
Arrest date: | Sep 28, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 39-08-01 |
Status: | Pre-Trial |
Modifier: | FTA |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | Municipal Court |
Court time: | 20130930 |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 23378 |
Charge description: | Driving without liability insurance |
Case number: | BISMARCK 12-CR-01773 |
Bond type: | Cash Only |
Bond amount: | $400 |
Arrest date: | Sep 28, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 39-08-20 |