Date of birth: | Sep 1989 |
Booking location: | Delaware |
Warrant: | U813001083 |
Docket: | 1103006377 |
Court: | Kent County Superior Court |
Comments: | Capias /Violation Of Probatiossault Second Degree Reckles Sly Intentional Serious Injury/Violation Of Probation |
Warrant: | U513003491 |
Docket: | 1301009754 |
Court: | Kent County Court Of Common Pl |
Comments: | Capias /Fail To Appear - Arraignment On 6/12/13/Criminal Imp Ersonation Impersonates Another To Obtain Benefit Or Defraud |
Warrant: | U513003492 |
Docket: | 1304010441 |
Court: | Kent County Court Of Common Pl |
Comments: | Capias /Fail To Appear - Arraignment On 6/12/13/Criminal Imp Ersonation Impersonates Another To Obtain Benefit Or Defraud |
Warrant: | U513003493 |
Docket: | 1304003721 |
Court: | Kent County Court Of Common Pl |
Comments: | Capias /Fail To Appear - Arraignment On 6/12/13/Criminal Imp Ersonation Impersonates Another To Obtain Benefit Or Defraud |
Warrant: | U513003548 |
Docket: | 1306012451 |
Court: | Kent County Court Of Common Pl |
Comments: | Capias /Fail To Appear - Arraignment On 7/17/13/Criminal Tre Spass First Degree/Conspiracy Third Degree;Agreement To Enga |
Warrant: | U513004896 |
Docket: | 1108020379 |
Court: | Kent County Court Of Common Pl |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Terroristic Threatening |
Warrant: | U513005598 |
Docket: | 1103012173 |
Court: | Kent County Court Of Common Pl |
Comments: | Capias Ftp/Criminal Impersonation Impersonates Another To Ob |