Kingston Montgomery

Last Updated: February 6th, 2025
Jail Location
Black Male
5′ 7″ (1.70m)
168lbs (76kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: Aug 19, 1990
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Inmate status: Not In Custody
Zipcode: 32734
Inmate number: 124232
First middle last: KINGSTON MONTGOMERY
Detainer: NO
Citizen: Y
Birth place: DELAND

Known addresses


Recent Arrests

Booking number: 996865
Booking date: Apr 23, 2017
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 979172
Booking date: Jul 26, 2016
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 975969
Booking date: Jun 8, 2016
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 955641
Booking date: Aug 7, 2015
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 935074
Booking date: Sep 30, 2014
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 930435
Booking date: Jul 28, 2014
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 915059
Booking date: Dec 19, 2013
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 912021
Booking date: Nov 2, 2013
Booking location: Volusia County, FL

Booking number: 14008379
Booking location: Lake County, FL

Recent Charges

Offense date: Apr 23, 2017
General offense code: BATTERY
Case number: 2017 302082 CFDB
Bond amount due 1: No Bond
Arrest type: ONV
Agency report number: 170008093

Offense date: Apr 23, 2017
Case number: 2017 302082 CFDB
Bond amount due 1: No Bond
Arrest type: ONV
Agency report number: 170008093

Offense date: Jul 26, 2016
General offense code: BATTERY
Case number: 2016 310331 MMDB
Bond amount due 1: No Bond
Arrest type: ONV
Agency report number: 160015748

Offense date: Jun 8, 2016
General offense code: BATTERY
Case number: 2016 308223 MMDB
Bond amount due 1: No Bond
Arrest type: ONV
Agency report number: 160012154

Offense date: Aug 7, 2015
General offense code: CRIMINAL MISCHIEF (ABOVE $200 BUT BELOW $1000)
Case number: 2014 104236 MMDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00
Arrest type: CS
Agency report number: 2015

Offense date: Aug 7, 2015
General offense code: BATTERY
Case number: 2014 104236 MMDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00
Arrest type: CS
Agency report number: 2015

Offense date: Sep 30, 2014
General offense code: BATTERY
Case number: 2013 109472 MMDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00
Arrest type: REM
Agency report number: 20133

Offense date: Jul 28, 2014
General offense code: CRIMINAL MISCHIEF (LESS THAN $200.00)
Case number: 2013 109472 MMDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00 *
Arrest type: VOL
Agency report number: 140020464

Offense date: Jul 28, 2014
General offense code: BATTERY
Case number: 2013 109472 MMDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00 *
Arrest type: VOL
Agency report number: 140020464

Offense date: Dec 19, 2013
General offense code: BATTERY
Case number: 2013 109472 MMDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00 *
Arrest type: PTR
Agency report number: 130034710

Offense date: Dec 19, 2013
General offense code: CRIMINAL MISCHIEF (LESS THAN $200.00)
Case number: 2013 109472 MMDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00 *
Arrest type: PTR
Agency report number: 130034710

Offense date: Nov 2, 2013
General offense code: CRIMINAL MISCHIEF (LESS THAN $200.00)
Case number: 2013 102929 CFDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00
Arrest type: ONV
Agency report number: 130007671

Offense date: Nov 2, 2013
Case number: 2013 102929 CFDL
Bond amount due 1: $0.00
Arrest type: ONV
Agency report number: 130007671

Statute: 8776
Offense type: SM
Bondstatus: Open
Bond type: PURG
Bond amount: $500
Agency cfs: 2013 DR 101120

Bonds Issued

Amount: $500


Information available through Rain-Street.com is provided for informational purposes only. All records are subject to change and, while every effort is made to ensure the information available is current and accurate, it may contain errors. No guarantee can be made with regard to the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of any information available through this website.

Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.