Date of birth: | Mar 11, 1978 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Brown |
Pin number: | 697304 |
Photo date: | Dec 1, 2006 |
Inmate status: | TERMINATED |
Orientation: | BACK |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | Various tattoos on arms,legs and back of neck. |
Body part: | NECK |
Orientation: | LOWER |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | Various tattoos on arms, legs and back of neck. |
Body part: | LEG |
Mark type: | TATTOO |
Description: | Various tattoos on arms, legs and back of neck. |
Body part: | ARM |
Booking number: | 00506235 |
Booking location: | Portage County, WI |
Statute: | 939.05, 961.43(1)(A) F |
County: | PORTAGE |
Convicted: | Dec 1, 2006 |
Case number: | 06CF00055 |