Date of birth: | 1980 |
Hair: | Blond/strawberry |
Eyes: | Blue |
Jacket number: | 56422 |
Inmate classification: | CLAY |
Badge: | 1126 |
Arresting agency: | CLAY COUNTY S.O. |
Arrest number: | 2009013036 |
Arrest officer: | GRUBB |
Booking date: | Aug 4, 2014 |
Booking location: | Clay County, KY |
Arrest number: | 2009012353 |
Arrest officer: | BAKER |
Booking date: | May 13, 2014 |
Booking location: | Clay County, KY |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 71171 |
Charge description: | ORDER OF COMMITMENT ORDER |
Crime type: | F |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 69976 |
Charge description: | BURGLARY, 1ST DEGREE |
Arrest code: | 22060 |
Crime type: | F |
Counts: | 1 |
Charge number: | 69977 |
Charge description: | TBUT OR DISP ALL OTHERS $500 OR MORE BUT U/$10,000 |
Arrest code: | 23917 |