Kyle Dean Barr

Last Updated: February 1st, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
6′ 1″ (1.85m)
300lbs (136kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1987
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Facility: OUT
Registration: 09092
Level: Level II
Commentaries: Comments Enter and successfully complete sex offender treatment. No contact with minors. No contact, direct or indirect with his victim. Shall not access the internet or e-mail by electronic devices. Shall not consume alcohol. Shall not enter parks, playgrounds or schools. Shall not purchase, own, have in his possession or under his control any firearm. Shall not use, possess, consume and controlled substance without a lawfully issued prescription. Shall not work at or be in places frequented by minors.

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

Seattle, Washington 98177

Scars marks tattoos

Description: Scar on L_forearm (3", 2")

Description: Scar on R_Hand (2")

Description: Scar on abdomen (3", 2")

Description: Tattoo on Upper_R_Arm (WOLF)

Description: Tattoo on Upper_L_Arm (SKULL, ANIMAL)

Description: Scar on Elbow ()

Description: Scar on R_elbow ()

Description: Tattoo on L_arm (SHAPES, BODY)

Description: Tattoo on R_arm (BODY, SHAPES, ANIMAL)

Description: Scar on Cheek ()

Description: Scar on L_elbow ()

Description: on R_cheek ()

Recent Arrests

Booking number: 213018202
Booking date: Jul 9, 2013
Release date: Jul 29, 2013
Booking location: King County, WA

Arresting agency: King County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: King County, WA

Recent Charges

Release reason: Sentence expiration
Rcw ord: 9.94A.195
Court: WA State Dept of Corrections
Cause no: 111006284
Bond amount: Bail Denied

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.086 - Child molestation in the second degree.,
Date convicted: May 21, 2007
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.