Mni: | 211680 |
Booking number: | 4747 |
Booking date: | Nov 23, 2016 |
Booking location: | Renville County, MN |
Booking number: | 4051 |
Booking date: | Feb 16, 2016 |
Booking location: | Renville County, MN |
Statute: | 518B.01.14 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Domestic Abuse - Violate Order for Protection |
Statute: | 609.2242.1(2) |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | M |
Description: | Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Intentionally In |
Statute: | 609.595.3 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | M |
Description: | Damage to Property-4th Deg-Intentional Damage |
Statute: | 609.78.2 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | G |
Description: | Emergency Telephone Calls/Communications - In |
Statute: | 169A.20.1 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Traffic - DWI - Driving while impaired crime |
Statute: | 169A.24.1 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Traffic - DWI - First-Degree Driving While Im |
Statute: | 169A.24.2 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Traffic - DWI - First-Degree Driving While Im |
Statute: | 169A.35.3 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | M |
Description: | Traffic - Open bottle law; Possession; crime |
Statute: | 152.025.2(1) |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 |
Statute: | 152.092.(a) |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | P |
Description: | Drugs - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia - Us |
Statute: | 171.24.5 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | G |
Description: | Traffic-DL-Driving after cancellation-inimica |
Statute: | 171.09.1(f)(1) |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | G |
Description: | Drivers' Licenses - Driving RestrictionsAlc |
Statute: | 609.52 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | M |
Description: | Theft |
Statute: | 609.562 |
Status: | BOARDER |
Level: | F |
Description: | Arson- 2nd Degree |