Date of birth: | 1993 |
Region unit: | 3 13 |
Region description: | 4160 N Port Washington Rd; Glendale, WI 53212; (414)229-0600 |
Doc: | 00611905 |
Booking location: | Wisconsin |
Statute: | 946.49(1)(B) F |
Description: | Bail Jumping-Felony, a class H felony, Wisconsin Statutes 946.49(1)(b).; The defendant cannot be prosecuted for these charge(s) in the future. |
County: | RACINE |
Convicted: | Nov 4, 2013 |
Case number: | 13CF345 |
Statute: | 946.49(1)(B) F |
Description: | Bail Jumping-Felony, a class H felony, Wisconsin Statutes 946.49(1)(b).; The defendant cannot be prosecuted for these charge(s) in the future. |
County: | RACINE |
Convicted: | Nov 4, 2013 |
Case number: | 13CF490 |