Date of birth: | Mar 23, 1965 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Status: | Active |
School addresses: | School Addresses SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84020 |
Registration: | 4877 |
Description: | Tattoo on R_ankle (ROSE/FEATHER (TATTOO R ANKLE)) |
Description: | Scar on L_arm (2" SCAR (SCAR L ARM UPPER)) |
Booking number: | 4877 |
Jail name: | Indiana Sheriffs Association |
Location: | 147 Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46204 |
Booking location: | Utah County, UT |
Convicted date: | May 5, 1998 |
State: | Utah |
Release date: | Oct 22, 2002 |
Description: | 76-5-402 - RAPE/1ST DEGREE FELONY |
Date convicted: | Aug 4, 1997 |
Charges: | N/A |
Description: | 76-5-402.1 - RAPE OF A CHILD/1ST DEGREE FELONY |
Date convicted: | Aug 4, 1997 |
Charges: | N/A |