Date of birth: | Dec 19, 1974 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
Inmate status: | Confinement |
Designation: | Sexual Offender |
Department of corrections: | 973091 |
Inmate number: | A0107742 |
Booking number: | 700015083 |
Booking date: | Sep 17, 2007 |
Release date: | Sep 21, 2007 |
Booking location: | Marion County, FL |
Booking location: | Levy County, FL |
Jurisdiction state: | LEVY, FL |
Crime description: | Sx Offender fail to not. Sheriff; F.S. 943.0435(7) |
Court case: | 0800032 |
Adjudication date: | Nov 12, 2008 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |
Jurisdiction state: | LEVY, FL |
Crime description: | LEWD,LASCIVIOUS CHILD U/16; F.S. 800.04 (PRINCIPAL) |
Court case: | 95-00204 |
Adjudication date: | Aug 7, 1996 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |
Jurisdiction state: | ALACHUA, FL |
Crime description: | Sex Offnder Fail Comply Registration; F.S. 943.0435(9) (PRINCIPAL) |
Court case: | 0400931 |
Adjudication date: | Apr 8, 2004 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |
Jurisdiction state: | LEVY, FL |
Crime description: | SX.OFNDR.RE-REGISTR.VIOL.; F.S. 943.0435(14)(a) |
Court case: | 0800032 |
Adjudication date: | Feb 5, 2009 |
Adjudication: | Guilty/convict |