Date of birth: | Nov 7, 1976 |
Hair: | Black |
Eyes: | Brown |
State no: | 012080002185 |
Inmate number: | 301648 |
Inmate status: | DISCHARGED |
Facility: | SANTA FE |
Complexion: | LIGHT |
Booking number: | 1100103649 |
Booking date: | May 24, 2011 |
Release date: | May 26, 2011 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0800007699 |
Booking date: | Mar 7, 2008 |
Release date: | Jun 13, 2008 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0800006355 |
Booking date: | Jan 14, 2008 |
Release date: | Jan 15, 2008 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0700003971 |
Booking date: | Oct 5, 2007 |
Release date: | Nov 30, 2007 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking number: | 0700001998 |
Booking date: | Jul 27, 2007 |
Release date: | Aug 24, 2007 |
Booking location: | Santa Fe County, NM |
Booking location: | New Mexico |
Statute description: | 4TH DEGREE PROBATION VIOL |
Statute: | 31-21-15 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | APO |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 #1 |
Statute description: | PROBATION VIOLATION |
Statute: | D101CR200400615 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | APPO |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 #1 |
Statute description: | BENCH WARRANT |
Statute: | D0101CR200400615 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFSO |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 #1 |
Statute description: | FAILURE TO COMPLY |
Statute: | D0101CR200400615 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFSO |
Bond type: | NO BOND |
Bond amount: | $0 #1 |
Statute description: | FAILURE TO COMPLY |
Statute: | M49FR201100166 |
Charge number: | 1 |
Case number: | SFCSO |
Bond type: | APPEARANCE |
Bond amount: | $5,100 #1 |
Description: | BRINGING CONTRABAND INTO JAIL (D-101-CR-2004-00615 ) |