Date of birth: | Sep 6, 1966 |
Unit: | K |
Booking number: | 4079-2016 |
Booking date: | Oct 30, 2016 |
Booking location: | Westmoreland County, PA |
State charge code: | 18 5503 A4 |
Judge dj: | Demarchis, Joseph R. |
Description: | Disorder Conduct Hazardous/physi Off |
Case: | CR-0000325-2016 |
State charge code: | 18 5104 - M2 |
Judge dj: | Demarchis, Joseph R. |
Description: | Resist Arrest/other Law Enforce |
Case: | CR-0000325-2016 |
State charge code: | 18 4906 B1 M3 |
Judge dj: | Demarchis, Joseph R. |
Description: | False Reports To Law Enforcement Authorities |
Case: | CR-0000325-2016 |
State charge code: | 18 4906 A M2 |
Judge dj: | Demarchis, Joseph R. |
Description: | False Report To Law Enforce Authorities |
Case: | CR-0000325-2016 |
State charge code: | 18 2709 A3 S |
Judge dj: | Demarchis, Joseph R. |
Description: | Harassment/repeatedly Alarm, Annoy |
Case: | CR-0000325-2016 |
Type: | Percent |
Case: | CR-0000325-2016 |
Amount: | $5,000 |