Laurie Anne Hancock

Last Updated: January 7th, 2025
Jail Location
White Female
5′ 3″ (1.60m)
130lbs (59kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: May 23, 1988
Hair: Blonde or strawberry
Eyes: Green
Supervision type: COMMUNITY CONTROL - PROB.
Supervision begin date: Feb 22, 2012
Scheduled termination date: Feb 21, 2014
Inmate status: ACTIVE
DC number: U45143
Report: 2009-01099/1
Probable cause affidavit: SUBMITTED BY: strickland, dale 0276 (AR10117659) did unlawfully enter or remain in a certain conveyance, to-wit: A TWENTY FOOT UTILITY TRAILER, the property of MR WILLIAM LARDER/OWNER, without said person's consent, with the intent to commit an offense therein, to-wit: REMOVE ONE TWENTY FOOT EXTENSION LADDER, BLACK AND DECKER CIRCULAR SAW AND THREE SETS OF PRESSURE GAUGES AND A CRAFTS SAWZAll, and the said conveyance was not open to the public at the time, and mr richard curran was not licensed or invited to enter or remain in said conveyance, in violation of Florida Statute 810.02(4)(b); DID UNLAWFULLY AND KNOWINGLY OBTAIN, USE OR ENDEAVOR TO OBTAIN OR USE THE PROPERTY OF THE VICTIM, TO-WIT: ONE TWENTY FOOT EXTENSION LADDER, BLACK AND DECKER CIRCULAR SAW AND THREE SETS OF PRESSURE GAUGES AND A CRAFTS SAWZAll OF THE VALUE OF THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($300.00) OR MORE, BUT LESS THAN five THOUSAND DOLLARS ($5,000.00), TO WIT: deprive the VICTIM WITH THE INTENT TO EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY OF A RIGHT TO THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFIT THEREOF, OR DID APPROPRIATE THE SAID PROPERTY TO HIS OWN USE OR THE USE OF ANY PERSON NOT ENTITLED THERETO, IN VIOLATION OF FLORIDA STATUTES 812.014(2)(C)(1). on 102910 at APPROXIMATELY 1700 HOURS, this DETECTIVE was travelling in the area of south lima AVENUE AND WEST demsey lane. upon making the corner of south lima AVENUE on to WEST demsey lane, this DETECTIVE observed two WHITE MALEs standing in the back of a utility trailer and a WHITE FEMALE standing beside the utility trailer. one of the WHITE MALEs, later identified as mr richard curran, had an orange in color sawzall in his hand and was cutting a 20 foot EXTENSION ladder in to. when the SUBJECT's observed this detective come AROUND the corner they were obviously surprised. mr curran immediately dropped the sawzall and began to move the ladder to the inside of the utility trailer. this DETECTIVE then called out a traffic stop and began to call out the FLORIDA tag NUMBER on the trailer (B441PJ) AND THE TAG NUMBER ON THE VEHICLE TO BE C4281D. it should be noted that WEST demsey lane is a dirt road. this DETECTIVE had to back up in order to obtain a location by reading the street sign south lima AVENUE AND WEST demsey lane. when this DETECTIVE backed up his VEHICLE the three individuals had jumped into a white jeep cherokee and began to speed away. this DETECTIVE then initiated my emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop. the VEHICLE continued to the area of NORTH canna LILLY AVENUE and WEST demsey lane where they had come to a stop. this DETECTIVE then asked the driver of the VEHICLE, mr richard lietz, to step out of the VEHICLE and walk back to me. this DETECTIVE held my service weapon at low ready. after mr lietz was HANDCUFFED and SECURED; i then had DEFENDANT, mr richard curran, exit the VEHICLE and then come to me. he was then handcuffed and SECURED. this DETECTIVE waited for DEPUTY parson and DEPUTY doyle to arrive on scene. i then made contact with DEFENDANT, ms laurie hancock. ms hancock had an infant child in the VEHICLE. it was asked at that time to roll the window down on the VEHICLE. this DETECTIVE placed the keys back in the VEHICLE to roll the window down. i then asked ms hancock what was going on and also advised her that she should tell the truth for her child and her sake. she stated that she did not know what was going on and then stated that they had just gone over to DEFENDANT mr leitz's boss's RESIDENCE and borrowed a trailer, which was the trailer with the ladder and other stolen items in it. i then asked mr curran where he had taken the ladder from. he stated that he did not take it and that it belonged to him. i asked him when i had turned the corner, what he was doing with the ladder. he stated that they were situating it and turning it to tie it down. i then asked what property he had gone on to and he stated that he did not go on to the property next to where they had stopped. he advised that his boss owned a RESIDENCE down the road off of WEST demsey lane. this DETECTIVE then made contact with mr lIEtz who was the driver of the VEHICLE. mr lIEtz advised that they had borrowed the TRAILER from his boss, mr donald podraza, yet he had no explanation of where the ladder had come from. this DETECTIVE then made contact with the VICTIM, MR larder by TELEPHONE. mr larder was asked if there was any reason that mr richard curran would be at his RESIDENCE which he owned off of WEST demsey LANE. it should be noted in the report that this is a rental RESIDENCE owned by the VICTIM. the VICTIM stated that the SUBJECT's were at his RESIDENCE on 102810 caring for a dog, but there would be no reason for them to be at the RESIDENCE on 102910. i then asked for the VICTIM, MR LARDER, to respond to my location in order to see if any of the property in the trailer belonged to him and if mr curran, mr lIEtz or ms hancock had permission to be in possession of the above named items. the VICTIM arrived on scene and identified the 20 foot extension ladder also with the three sets of pressure GAUGES, a black and decker circular saw, and a craftsman sawzall. the VICTIM stated that these items were his and that they were located in a utility trailer on his property at 5838 WEST demsey lane. he also stated that of the three DEFENDANTs had permission to remove any of those items. all three DEFENDANT 's were then handcuffed (DOUBLE LOCKED) and transported to the CITRUS COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY (CCJ) for booking and processing. this DETECTIVE then responded with the VICTIM to 5838 WEST demsey lane WHICH WAS APPROXIMATELY FIVE HUNDRED FEET WEST OF I INITIALLY OBSERVED THE DEFENDANTS. WHILE AT THE RESIDENCE I OBSErved a locked gate WITH A CHAIN LINKED FENCE THAT SURROUNDED THE PROPERTY. mr larder showed me the utility trailer in which the items had been located. it should be indicated in this report that after closer observation of the ladder, it HAD appeared that mr curran had cut through one side of the frame of the ladder; but it appeared that upon seeing this DETECTIVE they then stopped. it should be noted that this is considered to be suspicious behavior. PHOTOGRAPH'S WERE taken of all the stolen PROPERTY (see CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN (CST) report). a property receipt was completed and the property returned to the VICTIM. the VEHICLE was turned over to MS DELA LIETZ WHO IS THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE VEHICLE AND a family member of the DEFENDANT mr lietz. the child was turned over to the grandfather of THE DEFENDANT ms hancock. *NOT-EXEMPT* "If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator at the Office of the Trial Court Administrator, Citrus County Courthouse, 110 North Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Florida 34450, Telephone (352) 341-6700, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.”

Documented Aliases


Known addresses

Florida 34446
Exempt, Florida 34446
5580, Florida 34446

Recent Arrests

Arrest number: 13782
Arrest date: Feb 5, 2015
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Aug 13, 2014
Arrest location: 16425 SPRING HILL DR
Booking location: Hernando County, FL

Arrest number: 8566
Arrest date: Jan 2, 2014
Arrest type: Felony
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: 2011
Arrest location: 16425 SPRING HILL DR
Booking location: Hernando County, FL

Arrest date: Oct 29, 2010
Booking number: 10117659
Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Arrest date: Jan 8, 2009
Arrest location: FORT DADE AV & KOCHER DR
Booking location: Hernando County, FL

Booking location: Citrus County, FL

Recent Charges


Code: 810.02(4)(B)
Bond amount: $5,000

Code: 812.014(2)(C)(1)
Charge description: GRAND THEFT ($300 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN $5,000)
Bond amount: $3,000


Description: 951.22 - POSSESS/INTRO CNTRBND-JAIL

Code: 948.06 F
Charge description: Violation of Probation or Community Control (Felony)

Code: 812.13(2)(C)
Charge description: Robbery where offender carried no weapon

Code: Borrowed for Court
Charge description: Borrowed for Court

Description: 948.06 - VIOLATION OF PROBATION


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Records published on this website are in no way an indication of guilt or evidence that a crime was committed. Every person mentioned on this website is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Arrest and other court records do not imply guilt. Criminal charges are only formal allegations. For complete case records, contact the relevant law enforcement or judicial agency.