Date of birth: | 1980 |
Hair: | Brown |
Eyes: | Blue |
Jacket number: | BAKERL0738 |
Arresting agency: | Court |
Arrest number: | 2011017026 |
Booking location: | McCracken County, KY |
Status: | Sentenced |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | DISTRICT |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | COMMITMENT ORDER |
Charge number: | 181863 |
Charge description: | OPER MTR VEH U/INFLU ALC/DRUGS/ETC. .08 (AGG CIRCUM), 2ND |
Case number: | 13-T-1112 |
Bond type: | SENTENCED |
Arrest date: | Sep 6, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 02111 |
Status: | Sentenced |
Crime type: | M |
Court type: | DISTRICT |
Counts: | 1 |
Control number: | COMMITMENT ORDER |
Charge number: | 181864 |
Charge description: | POSS OF MARIJUANA |
Case number: | 13-T-1112 |
Bond type: | SEE OTHER CHARGES |
Arrest date: | Sep 6, 2013 |
Arrest code: | 42330 |