Date of birth: | Mar 17, 1964 |
Ethnicity: | Non-Hispanic |
Hair: | Blond or strawberry |
Eyes: | Blue |
Global subject number: | 1225254 |
Bond amount: | $50,000 |
Facility: | Hays County Jail |
SO#: | 227316 |
Release date: | Aug 3, 2015 |
Booking number: | 2015-03963 |
Booking date: | Aug 3, 2015 |
Arresting agency: | SAN MARCOS POLICE DEPT |
Booking location: | Hays County, TX |
Verification requirement: | ANNUALLY |
Sid: | 03405604 |
Shoe size: | 09.5 |
Risk level: | MODERATE |
Ending registration date: | Mar 14, 2025 |
Booking date: | Mar 1, 2017 |
Booking origin: | HAYS CO SO |
Booking location: | Bell County, TX |
Booking date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Booking origin: | HAYS CO SO |
Booking location: | Bell County, TX |
Arresting agency: | SAN MARCOS POLICE DEPT |
Booking number: | 2015-05211 |
Booking date: | Oct 6, 2015 |
Release date: | Oct 6, 2015 |
Jail name: | Hays County Jail |
Location: | 1307 Uhland Rd, San Marcos, TX 78666 |
Arresting agency: | SAN MARCOS POLICE DEPT |
Booking number: | 2015-03963 |
Booking date: | Aug 3, 2015 |
Release date: | Aug 3, 2015 |
Jail name: | Hays County Jail |
Location: | 1307 Uhland Rd, San Marcos, TX 78666 |
Booking location: | Hays County, TX |
Offense date: | Mar 1, 2017 |
Crime class: | THIRD DEGREE FELONY |
Charge description: | / OFFENSE UNKNOWN |
Case warrant number: | AOCR160554 |
Agency: | HAYS CO SO |
Offense date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Crime class: | STATE JAIL FELONY |
Charge description: | HSC 481.115(b) / POSS CS PG 1 |
Case warrant number: | AOCR160554 |
Agency: | HAYS CO SO |
Offense date: | Feb 10, 2017 |
Crime class: | THIRD DEGREE FELONY |
Charge description: | CCP 62.102(b)(2) / SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER LIFE/ANNUALLY |
Case warrant number: | AOCR160554 |
Warrant id: | Warrantless/On-View |
Charge: | POCS-SJF (SMPD 15-80263) |
Offense date: | Oct 6, 2015 |
Bond type: | $3,000 - Surety Bond |
Charge desposition: | Surety Bond |
Warrant id: | Warrantless/On-View |
Charge: | POSS OF DRUG PARA-C (SMPD 15-80263) |
Offense date: | Oct 6, 2015 |
Fine or court cost: | $270 |
Charge desposition: | Release without Bail |
Warrant id: | Citation |
Charge: | PODP-C (SMPD 1560249) |
Charge desposition: | Release without Bail |
Warrant: | Citation |
Charge: | PODP-C (SMPD 1560249) |
Type: | BOND |
Amount: | $25,000 |